Game Mechanics

The player manipulates objects in an environment to allow ducks to traverse across the screen as safely as possible from the start point to the end point(s). The player does this by dragging objects from the inventory and placing them in the environment or moving existing objects. The ducks will not leave the start point until the player has set up their objects. Once the player has set up all of their objects, they will release the ducks. The player cannot manipulate any objects once the ducks have started moving. If all of the ducks get caught in hazards (eg. eaten by alligators) then the player loses the level and must try again. When this happens, the level resets and the player is given an opportunity to rearrange their objects. It is possible to complete a level with a sole survivor duck, but it is best to beat the level with as many ducks as possible to achieve the highest number of points. A perfect score is achieved when all of the ducks make it to the end of a level. As the player completes each level, the game becomes more difficult as the number of environmental hazards that can trap or kill your ducks (e.g., alligators, geese) increases in quantity or difficulty. The player wins the game when have successfully completed each of the games levels.



May - August, 2014